Written at 1:46 AM by WHOOPI
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mobile flicks
Written at 11:46 PM by WHOOPI
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Written at 5:03 AM by WHOOPI

I'm a chronic texter(aren't we all?), actually... I'm a chronic mobile device user. I go to sleep with my iPhone under my pillow and I have a morning routine of checking my emails, texts, Facebook, and my Twitter all on my phone before I even get out of my bed. Let's just say that I like the feeling of always being "connected".
CLICK to read more after the jump...
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Written at 12:15 AM by WHOOPI
A couple of months back I
posted that I saw a picture of DJ Mehdi with the perfect shirt for me. During that time, I had no idea where to get that shirt and I posted that if anyone knows where I can get it, to please contact me...

Several emails/tweets/comments from the lurkers of Whoop This! later and I was able to get the shirt shipped out to me from the UK. It took about 3 weeks, but it was worth it! Whoop Whoop! Thanks again guys!
Thanks to Annie Mac for making such an amazing shirt!
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Written at 10:10 AM by WHOOPI
As you guys may not know, Your Only Friends and I DJ together and has formed a duo called BenZona. Lately we've been doing house/loft/cafe parties all around LA. We just received our artwork back from Royale designer/illustrator, Kyle Smith. Check them out below!
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Written at 2:00 AM by WHOOPI
Class work :/.

Veggie burger.. Mmmm...

Teamwork is the best work.


Pop champagne!

Uhhh... ?

Mmmm.. PURPLE!

Gotta get the moms something nice.

Dinner with
Switch and friends.

Sup Dawg!

Children wake up...

Hold your mistake up.
With my lighnin’ bolts a glowin’...
I can see where I am goin’.
Oct. 16th

Gelato = Night ender.
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mobile flicks