I want to go!
Written at 9:15 PM by WHOOPI
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Dim Mak,
Ed Bangers,
Steve Aoki,
the cobra snake
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Desktop Battlefield
Written at 12:54 AM by WHOOPI
Desktop Battlefield from The Sir. Community on Vimeo.
Updated iMacs!!!
Written at 6:32 AM by WHOOPI
Today Apple just released an updated version of their computer the iMac. Apple boasted up the the ghz, Ram, and mostly. So I guess my iMac is outdated now.... :(
2008 Rock the Bells Trailer
Written at 8:34 PM by WHOOPI
2008 Rock the Bells Trailer
I'm really looking forward to Spank Rock!
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Super High Me
Written at 3:14 PM by WHOOPI
"Determined to find out the true effects of marijuana on the human body, stand-up comedian and former Stoner of the Year Doug Benson documents his experience avoiding pot for 30 days and then consuming massive amounts of the drug for 30 days. More than just an amusing story of one man's quest to get superhigh, this documentary also examines the hotly contested debate over medical marijuana use."
Here's the whole film for you guys!
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Do you have what it takes?
Written at 1:14 PM by WHOOPI
American Apparel from Chris Garcia on Vimeo.
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american apparel
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Sunny Saturday 4/26/08
Written at 12:02 PM by WHOOPI
So today I was suppose to go to the Festival of Book at UCLA, but Ron and I then changed our minds and chose to go to LACMA.
When we arrived to LACMA we saw this huge....toy fire truck.
After getting my pass we went to check out the art. I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside but I kinda like to break rules, some of the picture are blurry and the angle is kinda off but hey, it's good enough to show.
The art at LACMA was pretty legit, after viewing a lot of stuff we rolled out to the Fairfax district.
All day everyday.
We actually went to fairfax so I can go to a glasses shop that Switch recommended me to go to, the screw in my frame fell out and I need it to be fixed. Sadly, the shop was closed so we just wandered around.
We ended up wandering in to FCLA
While I was in FCLA this guy approached me and was like "hey you're that dude....uummm..is it..whoo..." "Whoopi" I said. "Ya Ya!!! wussup man!!!" he replied. He then went on to hand me a sticker because he really wasn't able to introduce himself. Once I saw the sticker I immediately knew who he was. It was PeepingTom! If you don't know him, he's a graffiti artist but post most of his work on stickers then slaps it where ever he please. I see this guy as being kinda big when it comes to getting up. here's some of his stuff.
He definitely gets up, he's pretty chill too!!
After all the Fairfax stuff we decided to have fun with some hookah.
We ended the night by going to the movies at Century City and seeing Forgetting Sarah Marhshall. It's def. one the funniest movies that I've seen in a while.
After the movie it was then time to go home, wrd.
Mindless Self Indulgence - Animal
Written at 11:51 AM by WHOOPI
This music video was modeled, rigged, animated, composited, directed, and edited by my favorite filmmaker Mdotstrange. So check it out below!!
Also I just found another sweet music video from Mindless Self Indulgence from that super chaotic song "Shut up"
So what does DVNO mean?
Written at 12:35 PM by WHOOPI
I went to Urbandictionary.com to seek answers
The world will never know...
Whoopi vs SilentBat II: SECRET EFFECT
Written at 12:12 PM by WHOOPI
If you've been keeping up with the posts about Whoopi VS Silentbat2 then you would know that there's a secret effect that we've been holding back and that I'm working on. Well here's a picture that I'm not going to give any info on, but it show plenty of the secret effect. What could it be? Well a picture is worth a thousand words, so you tell me.
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Whoopi vs Silentbat
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While you guys are at Coachella
Written at 12:52 AM by WHOOPI
I will be at the 13th Annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, the country’s largest celebration of the written word.
In the pyramid
Written at 10:36 PM by WHOOPI
I don't know how old this is but I've been dying to see what's in Daft Punk's Pyramid.
I must say, their setup looks insane!!
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daft punk
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Filmed with cellphones?!?!?
Written at 7:56 PM by WHOOPI
Spike Lee has currently collabed with phone company Nokia. Why? Well, Spike is planning on partnering up with Nokia because he is planning on shooting his next film with nothing but the VGA cameras on cellphones! Nevertheless, Spike is making this a user-submitted film!!! So expect me to send something in to Spike lol! For more info check out the source below.
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Spike lee
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I better start saving now
Written at 7:07 PM by WHOOPI
Camera company RED, recently just announced that they will be releasing a handheld 3k(higher than HD) camera for only three thousand dollars!!! That's a hella cheap price, especially coming from RED, whose first camera(RED One) was at the high price of $17,000 (body only). I am very excited for this camera, it's pretty cheap and very affordable. I think I may start saving up for it to be my next camera...maybe...Check out the extra info below.
1-120 FPS (180FPS BURST)
4.8" LCD
"Scarlet is a 3K masterpiece targeting an under $3K price point. Employing a 2/3" 3K sensor, built in 8X T2.8 Zoom lens that maintains speed through the zoom, 4.8" flip out attached LCD, built in stereo mic, internal removable battery, dual CF card slot recording media, all aluminum body and a few secret features even we aren't talking about yet. Scarlet is the camera everybody will want and Scarlet will change the industry. There will be no reservation system for Scarlet; the day it is introduced is the day you can buy yours. Planned introduction is early 2009."
Red Announces Scarlet NAB 2008
"Iuum Sorry..."
Written at 9:11 PM by WHOOPI
You can't mess up on live TV Brooke.
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american idol
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Hancock - July 2nd
Written at 9:25 PM by WHOOPI
"A hard-living superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public enters into a questionable relationship with the wife of the public relations professional who's trying to repair his image."
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The Hundreds/USC 4/22/08
Written at 8:24 PM by WHOOPI
So today after school I walked to USC with Carlos.....
...to attend the lecture from the heads of clothing company, The Hundreds.
So Ben and Bobby Hundreds lectured about starting a clothing company and also talked about their own company.
After I asked Ben a question about video advertisement, he answered then chose to show a video ad on a shoe The Hundreds is working on with a skate company.
Overall, today was pretty sick. If anyone from the lecture wants more pics just hit me up on aim.
SN: Whoopthis
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the hundreds
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Forget a wedding ring!
Written at 11:19 AM by WHOOPI
If a nerd ever gets married or even a girlfriend (the stereotypical nerd) then he can share his love to her by giving her a CAT 5 ring.
Madonna ft Kanye West
Written at 11:15 PM by WHOOPI
I don't like it too much, it was produced my Pharrell. Who knows, you may like way more than I.
Madonna ft Kanye West - Beat Goes On
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I'm kinda excited....
Written at 10:47 PM by WHOOPI
'Everyone Nose' has officially grown on to me, but will N3RD be as good as past albums like 'In Search of.." or even 'Fly Or Die' ? We'll see sooner or later.
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Panda Toes Radio!!!!
Written at 10:00 PM by WHOOPI
You can listen to Panda Toes here from 12 a.m. until 2 a.m. E.S.T. every Monday night/Tuesday morning.
Thanks for shouting out Whoop This on the air Greg!!
Everyone check the show out though, it's pretty entertaining!