Whoopi vs SilentBat II: SECRET EFFECT
Written at 12:12 PM by WHOOPI
If you've been keeping up with the posts about Whoopi VS Silentbat2 then you would know that there's a secret effect that we've been holding back and that I'm working on. Well here's a picture that I'm not going to give any info on, but it show plenty of the secret effect. What could it be? Well a picture is worth a thousand words, so you tell me.
Damn Whoopi, I don't think they'll get it.
justme011090: wow
justme011090: um
justme011090: no
val: lol
val: umm will he attack you with a giant flock of chinchillas!?!?
val: oooo electric eels/!?!?
val: and theyll ZAP your arm off?!?
6:25 PM
justme011090: hmmm
justme011090: you actaully
justme011090: were pretty close with electric eels
other options included
1. super bite
2. super poke
3.a giant monster attack
he's missing an ARM!