Written at 6:43 PM by WHOOPI
The flicks that are on my phone at the end of the week

UK version of Kids,

Mellow hike day in Malibu.

Moore St. homies.

Super sexy ATI Radeon video card... Kinda have a thing for technology :/.

Getting my tracking on for
Corrugated Heart.

Now that's the Snow Leopard spirit.


New addiction.

late nighters.

Mac takeover!!!

#1 addiction.

Illustrator boredom. Wrd.
Posted in
mobile flicks
Written at 12:01 AM by WHOOPI
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Written at 10:43 PM by WHOOPI
Tons of homies in this vid, sucks that I couldn't make it out to the video shoot. Alexander Spit is KILLING it!!!
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music video,
the hundreds
Written at 1:09 AM by WHOOPI
Posted in
Written at 12:40 AM by WHOOPI
*The flicks that are on my phone at the end of the week*



You're standing on my neck.




Never not eating.

Kings of Leon at the Forum.

That's what a hamburger's all about.
Posted in
mobile flicks
Written at 2:37 PM by WHOOPI
My homie Skeet just dropped his latest mixtape full of jams and wobbles for your iTunes. He's been working hard on this mix FOREVER and it's finally out. Click the pic below to get your copy!
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Written at 3:39 AM by WHOOPI
to be honest, I forgot I DJ'd last weekend. I recently found pics on Facebook from a crazy party Mike and I mixed jams for. This party(an adult party FYI) even had a moonbounce!!! Here are some pics that I didn't take.
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Written at 12:58 AM by WHOOPI
So today from 4-6pm I'm going to be on UCLAradio.com ranting with my friends for two hours about a whole bunch of interesting stuff. So make sure you tune in! Click the pic below!!

The radio show went well, it was a bit hectic at times and we were distracted, but we still had fun. The video above is just me going around after I dropped the last song.
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Written at 3:45 AM by WHOOPI
Since my camera was stolen at the Sebastian X Busy P show, I've been in dire need to snap pics. Luckily, I have my handy dandy iPhone to cure that urge until I buy a new camera(thinking about getting a Canon). Here are some pics from the past couple of weeks that I have taken with my iPhone.

I have a thing for dolls.


The night my camera was stolen :/.

An adult house party I dj'd. They had a MOONBOUNCE!

Jessica and I going Macbook Pro crazy and transferring a mass amount of files around.

Some ceremony in Little Tokyo.



No food for you!!
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Written at 12:25 AM by WHOOPI
Wish he could come to the store I work at so I could join him.
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Written at 11:52 AM by WHOOPI
I miss music festivals in LA. This is going to be fun!
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Written at 12:53 AM by WHOOPI
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Written at 10:59 PM by WHOOPI
Around this time two years ago, I was working a summer job at Cold Stone Creamery being an icecream chef. I worked all summer for one thing and one thing only, a new Apple computer. Being the geek I was(and still am), I was determined to get my aluminum iMac. I saved up all summer for said computer. I got it and was the happiest geek on earth.
Two years later, and I'm back at it again. But now I work at a computer store(). Today, after working hard all summer, I finally got my Macbook Pro(it came in the mail today)!!
I also went through the hassle of asking around what I should name my new laptop, since I named my iMac 'Bigmac'.

There were some great suggestions on Facebook.

Even asked
Steve Aoki and Carles(
HRO) for suggestions. Steve thought it would be cool to name it by his last name. But by then, I already agreed with my buddy, Carles, that we were going to go with 'Whoopbook Bro'.
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