Can't stop, won't stop 8/1-2/09
Written at 1:36 AM by WHOOPI
Weekends ARE made for FUN...

My after-work plans were changed around a bit but all worked out. I got a chance to have a late night skate sesh, a Famima run, and some much needed Yogurtland(ftw).

A little partying here and there.

Towards the end of the night and the beginning of the morning, we thought it would be a great idea to spend the night at Riley's place and watch the sunrise. Said idea kinda failed... we did spend the night, but overcast kinda killed view of the sunrise. Staying out to 7am is kinda intense.

After an intense Saturday night/Sunday Morning, I had no plans to go out Sunday night. To tell the truth, I was a bit exhausted and all I wanted to do was finish some work for a company I'm freelancing for. My friend, Jessica, invited me to a secret Daedelus show located in DTLA. Though it wasn't my first time seeing Daedelus, I was more than down to tag along.

After an intense Saturday night/Sunday Morning, I had no plans to go out Sunday night. To tell the truth, I was a bit exhausted and all I wanted to do was finish some work for a company I'm freelancing for. My friend, Jessica, invited me to a secret Daedelus show located in DTLA. Though it wasn't my first time seeing Daedelus, I was more than down to tag along.

The event was in a super nice studio.

Ran into some homies.

After finding out some info, I found out that I was at Catch Me If You Can. Tons of dedicated bike riders supporting a great cause.

It was a fun night, Daedelus kept me moving. Wrd.