going to DENA


Written at 5:53 PM by WHOOPI

so today we went to the rose bowl flea market, which was actually pretty tight but since im currently now working at the time i only had $32 on me which kinda sucked because there was a lot for me to buy.

it started off with me catching the bus which took FOREVER!!!
but instead of meeting up with val at her house i just met her at the starbucks nearest to my house, there i ordered us drinks then i was picked off and we headed to the DENA(what i call it)

finally arriving at the flea market there was lots of stuff that i was kinda upset that i couldnt buy....but then again...it's a flea market and i know that there will always be great stuff to come.

more stuff

hella kicks

and here was a old school stussy tee that i just had to take a picture of.

after th flea market we went to a pretty good restaurant where me and val shared a pizza

then i remember that one of my favorite drinks were my fav.
the SHIRLEY TEMPLE!! fucking delish!!

then val spill, yes SPILLED a pizza on my new shirt but w/e nothing to get mad over even though it was all over my shirt(though u cant really see it in the pic.)
chill day overall

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