A new sidekick?
Written at 11:22 PM by WHOOPI
iPhone ftw.

Here are some pics from today's film shoot...too lazy to type captions. Damn it's pretty much August already. More film stuff below.
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After my tiring day of filming, I ended up hanging out with my good friend Ron. He had free tickets to the Dodger game so we chose to spend our night there.
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So today was my day to film my short, it was def. a lot of fun. We also got a lot of work done. Check out the pics below...sorry, no captions.
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I'm soo excited for this film! I hope they have like Daft Punk mixed their music/sound effects/adr/something with sound.
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So when I came home today from filming there was a vehicle in my drive way. My mom was like "Whose vehicle is that? It must be your uncle's or something." and I replied "oh...maybe he's talking to the neighbors." Afterward, I went up into my room and I hear my mom say to me... "Ashten, your uncle would like to see you" me being not in the mood to see relatives, I slowly walked down my stairs to greet him. My mom then told me that he's inside of his car, so I looked outside and I said to my mom that there's no one in the vehicle. She then jumped at me and said "I know!!! It's your new car!!!!!"
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After a nice night of clubbing I had to get all the rest I could for the shoot today. I was the producer of this shoot so I had to keep things moving. Here are some pics w/o captions...
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Dim Mak,
Ed Bangers,
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video game
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So I know I'm not posting the stuff I usually post. Sorry about that... I know my blog is turning into a "Day in the life of a student filmmaker". Well if you guys didn't know, all I do is wake up, film school, home, and repeat. That's basically my routine until August 25th. So the goods will be back soon, just give it some time. With that being said, I went to a visual effects studio today....
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