Val's bday 7/13/08


Written at 9:52 PM by WHOOPI

So it was Val's(my gf for those who didn't know) bday....

Before going to the Rose Bowl Flea Market we had an early breakfast at Roscoe's. Once we got to the Rose Bowl we just complained about the heat that was whipping our skin.

Also, Val received her iPhone before I did(lines are still 3-5 hours long) and I couldn't keep my hands off hers.

Val, her dad, her dad's girlfriend, and I went out to Ventura/Sherman Oaks. Out there we lurked around and went to this lasertag place called "Ultrazone". I was demolishing kids! lol. As always, we killed it on the DDR machine.

We then dropped by a BBQ joint and picked up some ribs.

When we got to Val's dad's girlfriend's house she opened her presents and most of them were un expected. Overall, legit. Peace

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1 Comment

  1. Valerieeeeee |

    you are zee best!!
    thanks for the crack
    crack crack crack


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