A day in the valley 9/13/08
Written at 1:17 AM by WHOOPI
Before my major adventure, I had a luncheon with Friars Charitable Foundation. Basically lunch with old rich people whom are very generous with their money. Some were directors, others were composers...but all of them were old...Luckily, I didn't document that part of my day.
After the lucheon I bus'd it out to Hollywood so I could get picked up by my friend Billimarie.
After being picked up, we headed back to Billi's house where we discussed what was going down today. Billi works for Los Angeles IAM, a video journalism company that started off in Vancouver and ended it's way in L.A. My job for today was to be her camera man and to capture everything that was interesting. Billi is doing a segment on the Cobalt, an all age venue welcoming all types of bands from Emo to Punk. I was also introduced to my weapon for the shoot. The Panny DVX100B, KILLER(Billi's cam). After our chat, we took a visit to the Northridge mall.
Once we got to the mall we had a smoothie run and browsed around for a bit then headed back out. We had an adventure finding Billi's car, after a good 10-15 minutes we finally found her car...that mission was epic.
Having a good amount of time before our shoot, we decided to break into a new school around Billi's house....we didn't destroy anything....just browsed around.
Another thing, how many schools post up shoe art? ILL.
Before officially heading out to shoot, we played some Wii(billi pwn'd me in the mario kart) and we also captured some footage from our day. Then we were outtie.
Everything went really well, Billi is editing all the footage.
Ended the night with pinkberry and a failed mission to get some cheap cheesecake, LUL.
Good day. Wrd.

WHOOPI ! It was too much fun hanging out with you, yesterday. Thanks for helping me out; I'm glad we hit it off pretty quickly.
We'll have to hang out again soon, once you come back from SF :D
Also, those pictures are AWESOME.
Also also, you are an EXCELLENT cameraman. You took a lot of uber leetsauce shots, no joke.
she tight