MSTRKRFT'd 9/26/08
Written at 6:34 AM by WHOOPI
Friday always ends with a bang....lets get started.
It started off with me stopping by Apple 3rd street, I had to handle some stuff.
Then had to stop by the DMV, it was surprisingly chill.
I'm about to make a huge jump to the night part of my day...right....NOW!

So my friend Lili and I had this craaazy mission. Our original plan was to go to some house show in Mar Vista, but we were more down to see MSTRKRFT. So we browsed online to see if there were any tickets available on TicketMSTR(insider). There were none. We called around everywhere....nada. So finally Lili mentioned something about macy's having a ticketmaster...which I never knew about. We walked down to Macy's and I struggled telling the woman how to spell 'MSTRKRFT'. She looked up the duo on her pc and found them. The tickets were purchased, we were off to Hollyhood.

We we first got in line, it was peaking around the corner. 5 minutes later we already in front of the line...will call FTL!

It started off really empty..Probably because we had our tickets, but it gradually became packed.

When LA Riots came up to perform their set there was nothing but energy throughout the place. That's when the rowdy-ness sparked.


It was time for A-TRAK to get in on the mix.

These two were going crazy over a MSTRKRFT shirt.

A-TRAK even caused an electropit....That's new.

It was now time for MSTRKRFT!

They KILLED it.
So my friend Lili and I had this craaazy mission. Our original plan was to go to some house show in Mar Vista, but we were more down to see MSTRKRFT. So we browsed online to see if there were any tickets available on TicketMSTR(insider). There were none. We called around everywhere....nada. So finally Lili mentioned something about macy's having a ticketmaster...which I never knew about. We walked down to Macy's and I struggled telling the woman how to spell 'MSTRKRFT'. She looked up the duo on her pc and found them. The tickets were purchased, we were off to Hollyhood.
We we first got in line, it was peaking around the corner. 5 minutes later we already in front of the line...will call FTL!
It started off really empty..Probably because we had our tickets, but it gradually became packed.
When LA Riots came up to perform their set there was nothing but energy throughout the place. That's when the rowdy-ness sparked.
It was time for A-TRAK to get in on the mix.
These two were going crazy over a MSTRKRFT shirt.
A-TRAK even caused an electropit....That's new.
It was now time for MSTRKRFT!
They KILLED it.

whattup man
i was the guy in the "lower east fucking side" shirt that you ran into alot at the concert. helped you take pics of that shirt scuffle. nice site! if you have any pics with me or my friend evan in the white shirt, can you throw em my way? shoot me an email,
i was tellin kids in taht electropit, WHOOPTHIS! haha