48 hour film fest 10/25/08
Written at 11:00 AM by WHOOPI
The next day after Girl Talk I was super exhausted, I was awakened by a phone call from my friend Antoine. Antoine and I teamed up together once again to work on another film. My job was to be the editor(I have to be on a computer no matter what I do) and Antoine was the director.

We were all Mac'd out on set. We had 1 iMac, 2 Macbooks, 1 Macbook Pro, 1 iPhone, and 1 iPod.

We were also really pro when it came to our sets.

Unfortunately, I was stuck inside editing my life away. Infomercials FTW!!!

After our shoot we headed out to Denny's around 6am.

The crew was pretty dead, because they haven't slept in about 1 1/2 days...

I wasn't dead though. I had a meal to devour.

We then rolled over to Starbucks because I had no place to edit. So we set up there so I could finish up the film.

Antoine was knocked out at Starbucks, except for in this pic.

Everything was finished 5 hours before the film needed to be turned in. It was a great shoot though.

Can you send me an e-mail with all the photos please.