This week = blaaah
Written at 11:34 PM by WHOOPI
Usually my week has some type of excitement....Well there was very little excitement this week for me...maybe just a tad bit..but not enough of it. Here are some pics from this week....
I chilled with some peeps whom I don't get to see as much because of "life". Ron and I always "lowkey" hit on Aaron's mom...sorry aaron.
That was chill...
I always get these before I go to work. Fatburger strawberry-banana shakes!
Work @Apple.
Work @American Apparel.
That's it. Hopefully next week will be more exciting...because of the Oct. 14 event, if you don't know about it then google it.

man just be a G and tell us what you're talking about
I can't, not allowed to.
the invitation only Apple Notebook event.
Welcome home DJ AM ??
hahaha, I actually want to go to that