Written at 8:41 PM by WHOOPI
well today was pretty much the first time me and val hung out together without running, jumping, hiding, biting our nails, or just hiding...........and i must say it was a great feeling to not hide and what not lol! first her mom dropped us off at third st. promenade where we went to the movies and went to see "the messenger" which was really good to me but i didnt want to discuss cinematography and colors of the film and the different angles and stuff with val lol so i kept it to myself..............after the movies we decided to go down nea the beach where we........"cuddled" in front of the sunset which was the best thing ever to me! lol afterwards val came up with the idea of us going on the carousel and ofcourse i was hella down for it!! lol
after going in circles me and val we both starving so i treated to mcdonalds lol!!! val got a kids meal and i got a 3 piece chicken select meal lol!! after wards i was dropped off at home and i must say........today was a good day :) <3
hahaha our date was hella cool!!
ya ya ya next one
brownies nintendo ds willy wonka!!