House party 3/12/09
Written at 2:27 AM by WHOOPI
I've been wanting to learn how to DJ for the longest time, I would always bother my mom to put me in a dj class...never happened. So since I live in L.A.(a city full of DJs), I decided that I'll just one day meet one and hopefully he/she will teach me how. Well, my blogger buddy, Michael(Your Only Friends), was kind enough to teach me the basics. When I was at Cinespace on Tuesday I met up with Michael and he was telling me about this house party he's playing at in Downtown. He kindly invited me to DJ with him...
We were DJing at this super nice place off of Wilshire and St. Paul.
It was a lot of fun DJing with Mike. I did a lot better than I thought I would and seeing the peeps dance was definitely a good sign.
I believe I'm DJing again this weekend in Ktown. Wrd
haha I look so dead. good times. Next party is next saturday not this saturday. get stokedddddd. + those city photos are amazingly awesome
oh forsure! there are more pictures in my Flickr set.
DJ Whoop-Dat-Ass
what cam do u shoot?