Written at 11:36 AM by WHOOPI
This video is truly amazing! about 98.% of it is greenscreen/3d work. I love when live action is composite with 3d, especially if it's indie work.
"Invasion! E.L.A. is a young girl in love back in home planet Earth. But the power of her love is too big to be limited to solely one being. An extremely bizarre love triangle unravels an invasion of epic proportions, and E.L.A. is set on an adventure to save planet Earth from the evil claws of Havra the Merciless!! Will she succeed on such risky endeavor? What´s the secret weapon that will help her defend us all from utter evilness and total destruction? It´s up to us to find out, on this high-paced special-effects driven adventure ride through space, low compression rates, pixels and love."
Posted in
video game
Written at 12:26 AM by WHOOPI
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Written at 12:03 AM by WHOOPI
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Written at 2:15 AM by WHOOPI
This movie is going to suck so hard!!
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Written at 6:00 PM by WHOOPI
Posted in
the hundreds
Written at 5:16 PM by WHOOPI
As you guys may know, I had an interview with American Apparel's video department in Downtown L.A. last week. Well I received a call back from them asking me to come in so I could get familiar with their workflow etc...Well today was my first day of working. I think it's a tad bit funny though, I pretty sure you guys have heard me say "All I want to do is sit in front of a computer and work as a job". I did that today. It was definitely fun, even though I was a tad bit sleepy due to a lack of sleep.

This is what I do. I work on Promo videos for online stuff...So if you see any new AA stuff that has green screen work and some visual effects, then it definitely went through me.
So I finally got the chance to get the video off my iphone that I recorded(yes, my iphone can record video). Sorry bout the rotation. SOCKS!!!
Posted in
american apparel,
iphone pictures
Written at 4:30 AM by WHOOPI
"Filmmaker Jenn Storms peeks through the lens of Mark Hunter, a goofy, charismatic Los Angels fixture with an eye for documenting scenester hotspots and late night adventures all over the world. "Cobra Vision" is a personal snapshot of Mark Hunter's work and an indulgent look into the LA party scene. www.thecobrasnake.com"

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the cobra snake
Written at 2:11 AM by WHOOPI
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Written at 6:01 PM by WHOOPI
today was a good day...
Posted in
american apparel
Written at 10:49 PM by WHOOPI
It was a pretty nice day in Hollyhood(Silverlake), where the Sunset Junction event was being held...
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Written at 2:59 PM by WHOOPI
Myself and others went to the Crystal Sky Office....google it..it's pretty legit...
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Written at 3:33 AM by WHOOPI
If you're planning on purchasing an iPod, then maybe you should be a tad bit patient and wit for the new line of products.
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Written at 12:22 AM by WHOOPI
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Written at 8:56 PM by WHOOPI
For you guys that don't know, for the WHOLE summer I've been in a film program. The first 4 weeks we spent our time in class at USC. For the next 4 weeks we go through pre-production, production, and post production for our films. At the very end we have a huge ceremony...

Dressing up is something we both don't do. Kelsey and I both made a promise to wear dressy clothes for this event so that we wouldn't feel too weird...mainly because our parents wanted us to.

There was a run-through when I went in the theatre and they were showing my film.

I also received an award/scholarship for the 2nd top edited sound...well that's what the judges thought. The judges were from the
Motion Picture Sound Editors, which is pretty huge, btw.

After the ceremony I went home to chill. Then around 1 a.m. I received a phone call asking if I was going to the party. So I went.

Say fuck that shit!

Annoying drunk people annoy me.


The next day(today), I was hella exhausted but I had to make my way to FOX studios.

It was koo. Oh, I saw the unreleased teaser/trailer to Notorious(Biggie Smalls movie) it was definitely epic shit!!! it comes out early 09.
I was on TV!!!!

Click the picture to watch the clip.
I gave them the good ol' "this is the greatest experienced that has ever happened to me" LOL!
Media love that stuff though...wrd.
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