First day of work 8/26/08
Written at 5:16 PM by WHOOPI
As you guys may know, I had an interview with American Apparel's video department in Downtown L.A. last week. Well I received a call back from them asking me to come in so I could get familiar with their workflow etc...Well today was my first day of working. I think it's a tad bit funny though, I pretty sure you guys have heard me say "All I want to do is sit in front of a computer and work as a job". I did that today. It was definitely fun, even though I was a tad bit sleepy due to a lack of sleep.
This is what I do. I work on Promo videos for online stuff...So if you see any new AA stuff that has green screen work and some visual effects, then it definitely went through me.
So I finally got the chance to get the video off my iphone that I recorded(yes, my iphone can record video). Sorry bout the rotation. SOCKS!!!

btw the owner dude, ask for sexual favors from all incoming employees
i am veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy proud of you.
That's the dopeness.
Are you alone in the room?
And what!? iPhones do video!?
not alone there are others, i hacked my iphone to do video
its so cool that ur doing what u wanna do, at american apperel too!
but buisness is still buisness and i dont think its a good idea to be showing those sock adds, cause if another company see's those, can quickly steel the idea publish it quickly, then american apperel will not be able to use it.
so u should just watch what you place on the world wide web
good looking