Back from suspension


Written at 7:39 PM by WHOOPI

The day started off with me going to school since I'm not suspended anymore.

So the day started with the whole school hearing my voice. My bestfriend and I are officially the voices over the morning announcements.

After the announcements I head back to class where we did nothing....

We did take some type of test. I happened to find one of the questions to be hilarious!!

Later on in the school day there was a small fire that didn't really harm anything or anyone.

Tundae was also taking pictures, you can see them on his blog HERE.

Everyone then headed to the grass field.

I ended up chilling with Carlos while he was looking for his GF, Karla.

We finally found her, she was a bit shooked up but she's ok.

After all the mayhem I chose to go to the film room and I saw antoine working on a documentary about the shit list of Hamilton.

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  1. Anonymous |

    stop doing these morning voices they sound like crap and are fucking lame

  2. WHOOPI |

    I doubt you can do better

  3. SWITCH™ |

    fuck blogs dawg

  4. YHANNI |


  5. Tundae |

    def just realized i was on 5 days later....


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