It's getting hot in L.A.


Written at 2:02 PM by WHOOPI

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  1. Valerieeeeee |

    wow i have like so many more widgets than you... lol

  2. WHOOPI |

    no you don't, I get to choose which one I want to appear

  3. Valerieeeeee |

    yea i do...i went on this huge downloading spree and have like widgets everywhere

    then i deleted them all lol

  4. WHOOPI |

    ergo, you don't have more widgets than I. lol

  5. YHANNI |


  6. Valerieeeeee |

    "ergo" oooo look who thinks he;s cool because he used 'ergo'!!

    I have a widget that can blow your computer up

    how about that!!?!?! =D


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