Kobe jumps over an Aston Martin?


Written at 12:04 AM by WHOOPI

Kobe Bryant Jumps A Moving Car

I highly doubt this is real. look at the last couple of frames when he's in the air about to come down. It looks like they just repeated a a frame or two and filmed the car when he wasn't in the shot. then masked in the vehicle, I can easily do this with a car (and my computer skills). If someone can prove to me that this is real than please comment.

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  1. Anonymous |


  2. Anonymous |

    i would like to believe it's real.

    super-lame, otherwise.

  3. Sould Banana Crew |

    Looks fake.
    Althoug could be possible.
    Notice they are on a slope.
    And those cars are pretty low.
    But still fake.

  4. subjectivism |

    that looks soooo fake

  5. *_*Antoine*_* |

    It's definitely fake in the sense of he didn't jump that car. But isn't fake in the sense that he didn't jump that height. I think he really jumped that high but not while the car was there. Notice special effects people that the shot was static which makes for an easy comp!

  6. Anonymous |

    its real..even though im not a kobe fan. anybody can do it though..u take the height of the car.. the speed of the car..take note those cars of from 0 to 100 n 5 seconds or less n kobe is wat?.. 6'7 he jumps pretty high.. higher then that car..its possible it could be fake...but its also possible he jumped it

  7. WHOOPI |

    no dude, it's fake lol
    kobe's coach would never allow Kobe to something that bizzare


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