ICF 6/30/08


Written at 9:14 PM by WHOOPI

I have yet to talk about my summer program yet. I received a $11,000 scholarship to this film program called ICF(inner city filmmakers), my filming partner in crime, Antoine, received a $12,500 scholarship from them as well. It's actually at USC and some other place in Santa Monica, so it's pretty dope!!!! Well anyways, today was my first day attending ICF. immediately they put cameras in our hands and told us to go out and make a 2 minute silentfilm with in-camera editing. For the first film I kinda took control of everything, I was mostly the cinematographer for most of it. For the second film I kinda sat back and let the other peeps learn the stuff I already knew how to do. Here are some pics from the first day.

Sorry for the lack of pics, ICF keeps me mad busy.

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1 Comment

  1. Spyderman |

    congrats man


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